Foods with Nickel

Green beans are one of the many foods higher in nickel.

You many know someone who may experience a rash when they wear cheap earrings, costume jewelry, or from the rivets on their jeans.

My nickel food allergy occurs when I eat foods with high concentrations of nickel. Within 12-24 hours after I ingest a food containing high concentrations of nickel, I experience a rash on my elbow, neck, or lip.

Foods with high concentrations of nickel include:

Grains & Wheat
– bran
– buckwheat
– millet
– mulsi
– multi-grains & multi-grain breads
– oats & oatmeal
– unpolished brown rice
– rye bran
– sesame seeds
– sunflower seeds
– whole grains & whole grain breads

– shellfish (shrimp, mussels and crawfish)

– peas (green and split)
– leeks
– beans (white, brown, black and green)
– soy / soya
– soy protein powder (found in sandwich meat, sausages, minced meat, breads, soup concentrates)
– soy lecithin
– lentils
– leafy greens
– cabbage
– kale
– spinach
– lettuce
– bean sprouts

– pineapple
– raspberries
– dates
– figs
– prunes

– nuts
– almonds
– hazel nuts
– peanuts
– coconuts
– chocolate
– linseed and linseed oil
– marzipan
– baking powder (large amounts)
– vitamins containing nickel

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  1. Hi! So happy to discover your website! My daughter was just diagnosed with a nickle allergy at a famous clinic here in the US. She is following the low-nickle diet put out by the University of Pennsylvania and we noted that cabbage is on the low nickle list. In fact, there seems to be many foods that are on both the high and low list – such as potatoes. Have you got any info on pumpkins? Apparently, cooked carrots are okay, so does it stand to reason that cooked pumpkin is okay. Do you have a good source of information? Thanks!

    1. Hi Rita,
      I’m glad you found my site too! The foods on this list I was told are higher in nickel than other foods. Cabbage is on my list and I avoid it. I do eat both potatoes and pumpkin (I love pumpkin pie this time of year).
      I think it’s more important if the food is fresh or canned and how it’s cooked when it comes to carrots and pumpkin. Switching out my cookware to ceramic was important.
      Once you start to eliminate most high nickel foods your daughter should start to see a reduction in her eczema flare ups. The worst offenders for me are soy, nuts, whole wheat, seeds, beans, leafy greens and chocolate!
      I’d love to stay connected and hear how it goes for your daughter!

      1. Christy, I was wondering if you had an idea of the exact amount of nickel in coconut? I have been on this diet a month and am seeing some relief of my symptoms. However it is frustrating that so many sources of food lists completely disagree with each other. My rashes are quite severe, so I dread the thought of having to find out the hard way that an item is harmful to me. I realize everyone has different triggers, and some with nickel allergy are eating coconut without issues. I am a gluten free vegan and really struggling on the diet. I had to switch from flax milk (with added pea protein) to coconut milk. I choose this over rice milk because white rice is basically without nutritional value and rice has been found to contain lots of arsenic. Well, I am already eating white rice crackers and rice noodles so enough empty calories!! Also I am now banned from nut milks and nut milk based ice creams, so for vegan choices that leaves coconut milk ice cream. There may be a few rice milk ice creams out there? Haven’t seen many. Also I look to avoid anything with carrageenan, a proven inflammatory often used as a thickening agent. Instead of my old nut butters, I am using a coconut spread. At least it is a healthy fat, but there is not much protein there. I really hope coconut is not that high in nickel because if it is I am sabotaging my diet.
        Basically all my protein sources have been banned. All my omegas from flax banned. I feel very deficient already and craving chocolate every day. Hellish. I rarely run across lists which give amounts of nickel for the healthy foods I am interested in. Before I ate a huge variety of fruits and veggies as well as some supplements like maca and I am having no luck finding exact amounts for these types of items. The FDA list of amounts is mainly full of meats and dairy which don’t have much nickel and then junk foods and a few common fruits and veggies, so their list is not much help to me. Do you know of any other lists with specifics? Also wondering about cabbage as nearly every list I saw said it was low nickel, but you listed it as high nickel. I have been eating some fermented raw organic kraut and hate to give up this healthy item when I have so few good things left to eat. Thanks!

        1. Nicola,
          My family is also vegan and have just recently decided to try the low nickel diet for my 19 year old son who has nickel allergy and eczema. He will be going back to college after spending the summer at home and I am trying to find him some options and information to use while he is away. I don’t know about coconut either but will let you know if I find out anything about it. As coconut is a saturated fat we avoid it at our house. My son also has a cobalt allergy so I am scratching my head about supplementing him with B12.
          About the cabbage, I am advising that my son eat all the veggies and fruits that he wants and to stay away from the major offenders… Meaning to avoid nuts, seeds, Soy, legumes, and whole grains (except rice milk which is made from brown rice, not white). But that is because he already doesn’t eat a lot of veggies and fruit but relies on cereal and refined grains for his food. For him this is what we are trying, for you it may be different. Christy was given a list that had cabbage on it as high nickel so she avoids it. I found the multitude of lists so confusing and variable that we decided to stick with the foods that are on all of the lists.

          1. My PCP had prescribed B12 shots before my hives broke out. My dermatologist told me to not take them bc they are very high in cobalt.

        2. Hi Nicola
          Alright, I saw what you said about coconut and it makes a lot of sense to me. I was diagnosed with a nickel allergy and have been on a restricted diet, but I’m still a bit confused. Some foods that make my eczema react are coconut, corn, soybeans, peas, cassava, nuts, tomatoes, dried fruits, green leaves and oats. I still have many doubts because I believe that the place also influences. I live in Brazil and the climate here is warm most of the year…
          How about cooking pots? I cook with some ceramics but not yet 100% coated. What about the oils? I have only used olive oil because I have a lot of coconut sensitivity and I do not know if sunflower and others would be good options. Thanks.

        3. Nicola, I’m a vegan with a newly discovered nickel allergy so I totally relate to your post. I’m looking for any vegan low nickel recipes. Please let me know if you know of any. Thank you!

          1. Hi
            I hope all is going well. If you have any info which can help, please message me. My facebook page is ‘Plant-based evidence / paleo diet (vegan)’.
            Thank you xx

          1. Hi Denise,
            Some rely heavily on quinoa. Many vegans have chosen to become vegetarian or pescetarian. Nicola and others participate in a closed Low Nickel Diet Facebook group where you can reach out to them directly or see what they’ve already posted about being vegan and having a systemic nickel allergy.
            Warm regards,

      2. Hello,
        I was recently diagnosed with a nickel allergy.I have a huge discoloration on my neck area. Will the discoloration go away itself or should I be using medicine?
        Also, how do you detox? Smoothie with cilantro?

        1. Hi Jennifer,
          When I eat foods with nickel I also get a large red rash on my neck. Sometimes it can take days for it to disappear. I have a prescription for Desonide from my dermatologist I will use when it gets really bad.
          I don’t do anything to “detox.” I’m a firm believer in consuming lots water and eating high fiber foods to flush things out of my body!

          1. Sorry to be so late to this post, but just found it. I have known of my nickel allergy (Cobalt Chloride) for 23 years now. Recently, through a biology class, I have discovered a time tested method to easily detox from nickel. It is called ‘chelation’ (kee-lay-shun) therapy. It has been used for more than 100 years to remove heavy metals such as mercury, nickel, and lead. EDTA is an amino acid which you take first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. The process is outlined on the container. It can be purchased over the counter for only a few bucks and it really works. The amino acid (ethylene diamine tetra-acetic) is also found in cilantro, but I am not sure of the amounts of the plant to use or for how long. Just don’t take them both together. That would be overdosing and it causes some unpleasant reactions (been there). By performing the chelation therapy every few months I have greatly reduced my migraines and vomiting etc.

          2. Hi Suzanne,
            Thank you for your comment on my website. I have heard from chelation but never tried it myself. I am always nervous introducing a supplement in my diet.
            I’m visiting my doctor in two weeks and will ask him about EDTA. Do you have any research that identifies more about it and how it exactly detoxes heavy metals from your body? I think this could be useful to others as an effective means to treat their nickel allergy and symptoms like yourself.
            Thanks again,

        2. I use zeolite powder and cilantro drops which i take orally and for the blistering rashes i use oregano drops on the rashes to help dry them out.

          1. Hi Jill,
            Thanks for your comment. I haven’t heard of zeolite powder or cilantro drops or oregano drops. Do you make them or purchase them at a local grocery store or pharmacy? I always appreciate when others share tips on how to tame their eczema.
            Warm regards,

      3. You mentioned switching to ceramic cookware. Is this nickel free? I saw that stainless steel was Nickel free and bought some and now I am seeing that it’s not and wondering if that is causing my flare ups.

        1. Hi Andrea,
          Most stainless steel cookware contains nickel, typically they are considered 18/10, where 18 refers to the chromium content and 10 refers to the nickel content. You can purchase 18/0 stainless steel cookware, where it’s 0 nickel, but it is more work. I like using ceramic cookware instead and also use, glass, wood and plastics. From time to time I’ll use stainless steel, but it seems to always aggravate my eczema.
          Warm regards,

          1. Christy, why is the 18/0 stainless steel cookware more work? My daughter was just diagnosed with a nickel allergies and I was just ordering a set of NF stainless steel pans.

      4. Is it all lentils you get a flare up? I’ve been revelry also diagnosed with nickel allergy. It takes ages here in the U.K. to get to the bottom of things but I was persistent I said that o thought it was a metal or something good related. Also after a few concerns about how they only prescribed ointments that make you flare even worse it decides to go private and have the patch test. I know when I cook and chop proposes, tomatoes and some other alcaline food it gets bad. I’m also vegetarian going vegan and find that most alternatives are soybean based which then we’re causing more flares up 🙁

        1. Adela,
          Thanks for your comment. Lentils are beans, which are high in nickel and tend to cause issues when you have a systemic nickel allergy. I am glad you finally found what was causing your eczema to flare. I understand how frustrating it can be when physicians placate you with a prescription instead of identifying the root of the problem. Tomatoes are higher in histamines, which can mimic eczema reactions. You might look into histamine intolerances to see if that too may be a possibility. Being a vegan/vegetarian on the low nickel diet would be challenging, as so many of the high protein non-meat options are typically higher in nickel!
          Warm regards,

        2. Hi Vic,
          Thanks for your comment. Trying to find 18/0 stainless products are probably harder to find because nickel is everywhere and super cheap, so 18/10 seems to be the standard stainless steel product.
          I don’t use 18/0 stainless pan, just silverware, as I prefer ceramic lined saucepans, or cast iron and glass. These are much easier to find, low nickel and easy to use.
          Warm regards,

          1. I used a nickel test kit for my pans, I think they are hard anondized aluminum and the test didn’t detect any nickel. I’ve also tried the test on my hot water dispenser and hot water kettle that is stainless steel. Are you saying that it could contain nickel in a deeper layer that would impact the food/water? Also, thank you so much for creating this site. I was just diagnosed and feeling pretty bummed about it!

          2. Hi Karen,

            Thanks for your comment and appreciation for my website. There are nickel alert tests, however there is research about the accuracy of the primary ingredient used in the test. It can be accurate to identify if cookware contains nickel, but can also provide false negatives and not catch all things that may contain nickel.

            Alternatively you could contact the manufacturer of the cookware and ask them about the amount of nickel in the specific pan/kettle, etc. Generally I’ve replaced the majority of my cookware that I use to heat food/water. My nickel in the kitchen and FAQ posts may be helpful

            Warm regards,

    2. How did you determine what list to follow? I am also having that problem with items being both on the high and low list.

      1. Hi Andrea,
        It can be confusing and some of the lists themselves don’t make it clear what it is lower in nickel or higher in nickel. My foods with nickel list works great and it includes comments from others like yourself who describe what they can or cannot tolerate. Several foods such as soy, oats, nuts, whole grains, seeds, beans, leafy greens, pineapple, raspberries are consistently identified as higher in nickel on nearly every list. My low nickel gardening post explains why multiple list exist and can provide some clarity.
        Warm Regards,

  2. Hello! I am so glad to have found your site! I have been struggling with chronic hand eczema for 4 years. I have given up on going to the dermatologist/doctor for help. All they would give me is steroids which made everything worse. About 4 months ago I went gluten free and noticed a big change in my flare ups. My hands at times are notably better but still flare up sometimes. I started noticing that when I ate lots of oats my hands would flare. Now I think possibly a nickel allergy could be to blame for my issues which would make sense why a gluten free diet helped because wheat is high in nickel. How did you get diagnosed with a nickel allergy? I seem to get no where with doctors. Did you just ask to be tested for a nickel allergy? Thanks in advance for your help!

    1. Hi Bethany,
      I am glad you found my site too! I hope trying a low nickel diet helps your hand eczema.
      I first went to a dermatologist when I was first diagnosed and they conducted a skin patch test. Nickel was something they tested me for that I reacted particularly badly. Then my dermatologist informed me about the low nickel diet. I heard a lot of people don’t receive great advice or diagnosis from their dermatologist or allergist.
      Do you also know about the National Eczema Association? They have some great info on hand eczema specially –
      I wish you the best and enjoy staying in touch!

      1. hi there,
        I recently found out that I am allergic to Nickel. I was trying to research Chia seeds,flex seed, Maca red and Matcha green powder to see if they have nickel and I cannot find that information. I use these supplements’ everyday please let me know if you can help

        1. Hi Molly,
          Thanks for reaching out on my site. My understanding is that all seeds tend to be higher in nickel. When have eaten both chia seeds and flax seeds it’s exasperated my eczema.
          I’m not familiar with Matcha Green powder, so I googled it. From what I found online, it looks like the powder only includes green tea. I personally don’t have any problem drinking green tea, as long as it doesn’t include any soy.

  3. Hi! I just got diagnosed with Systemic Nickel Allergy Syndrome. It took a long time to get that diagnosis. Do you have problems with digestion? And do your hands swell when chopping certain foods? I’m just starting to adjust to this nickel news. Thanks for sharing your story and recipes!!

    1. Hi Alanna,
      Thanks for reaching out! Leafy greens (when I eat them sparingly) are difficult on my digestive system. My hands don’t swell when I chop foods. I’m glad your going to try some of the recipes – I hope you enjoy them. Stay connected.

    2. Hi, I’m in England and really struggling to be diagnosed – thinking of coming to the States. Who diagnosed you please?

      1. Hi Penny,
        Dr. Douglas Powell at the University of Utah Dermatology clinic diagnosed me. Here’s a blog post I just wrote about my nickel diagnosis.
        Best of luck getting a diagnosis yourself,

  4. Hi Christy,
    This is a very nice forum for people with nickel sensitivity. Thank you for what I’m sure has taken an exhaustive amount of effort and research on this complicated subject. Since being diagnosed many years ago, I am still finding out new information continuously. I’ve never reacted to nickel in metal to my knowledge but was still experiencing a reaction. It starts with what I call the fuzzy itchies, like someone is twitching the little hairs on your skin. Then days later there is a skin reaction. I’m just now realizing how intricately nickel is interwoven into every aspect life. I now realize it was always the nickel in foods and have tried to lower the levels I eat routinely. However, as diligent as I am about nickel, it was secretly showing up in products I was using for skincare. I am amazed at how many foods (mostly pre-packaged) contain soy, then suddenly I realized soy was showing up in skincare products as well. Trying to eliminate soy, nut and seed oils from skincare is tough!
    I do have a question about your nickel food list. I know that many nickel list have conflicting information and don’t agree on every food item. I am most interested to know what you have found out about coconut in all forms and avocado. These are two of my favorite foods, but I can’t find any information about them on most lists. Thank you in advance!

    1. Hi Jen,
      Thanks for visiting my website and for your positive feedback. I have done a lot of research, I find it so fascinating!. Plus, I enjoy connecting with others allergic to nickel and nickel in foods!
      It is really challenging to avoid soy, as you’re right, it is in nearly everything processed! It also took me a little while to realize if I cannot eat these food, I also cannot put them on my skin. This allergy isn’t entirely intuitive and it took me time to adjust to thinking about it differently and become more aware how extensive it can be.
      I personally cannot tolerate coconut, however there are others with a nickel food allergy that have no problem with it. You might be able to tolerate it and see. I also do eat avocados and use them as a condiment on sandwiches, instead of using mayo or ranch. I hope you stay in touch!

  5. Hi. I appreciate your information..and its kinda nice to connect with others that suffer from nickel allergies. I have bad eczema on various parts of my trunk and lower scalp due to a nickel allergy that started with bad earrings and got out of control. I’ve switched out my teapot and some cookware and recently gave up nuts (which I consumed alot). I eat a lot of leafy greens and it appears those will have to go..but since they are so healthy, its hard to stop eating them. Are there any greens you have been able to eat ? Do you recommend giving up one item, then wait for a period of time to see if that helps before giving up another item ? I am just trying to figure out how to manage this and still eat ! Thanks for your help.

    1. Bonnie,
      Thanks for your comment. I am so glad you find my posts useful. It is so wonderful to connect with others who suffer from this unusual and trying food allergy.
      I admit, I love my salads too. I am able to eat fresh parsley, fresh cilantro, fresh basil….and about once a month I’ll go out to eat and order a Cesar salad.
      First I avoided everything high in nickel for about a month to allow my eczema to calm. Then I did begin adding one thing at a time, usually not eating anything else high in nickel for 2-3 days, so I could determine whether or not I had a reaction and the severity of my reaction to the food. For instance. I cannot eat any quantity of chocolate, but I can eat tuna and tomatoes. I love to stay connected and hear how things go. Hopefully things improve immensely!

  6. Hi Christy,
    I was diagnosed 2 years ago with Systemic Nickel Allergy. My main issue used to be fatigue after eating nickel containing foods … now I get tired and what feels like a cerebral fog with awful depression . Anyone else get crazy from nickel exposure ?

    1. Hi Debra,
      I have heard that others have experienced fatigue and depression when dealing with this and other challenging food allergies. I think the best thing is to talk to a medical professional about anything you can possibly do to relieve these symptoms.

    2. Finally someone else who suffers more than skin rashes. I also suffer from depression, fuzziness (especially in the morning), headaches and vertigo when I eat nickel. I also suffer from terrible fatigue and large ulcers in my mouth and on my gums.

  7. Hi I have a severe nickel allergy, I am from Iceland and i don’t think its common here that people have that much nickel allergy… I am always trying to cut out things that make me sick, but everything makes me sick…. well almost everything 🙁 I don’t get a lot of dermatitis, sometimes I get blisters and rashes , but I do get severe diarrhea, before I was diagnosed I sometimes couldn’t leave my home for weeks 🙁 If you could help me that would be appreciated 🙂

    1. Hi Árný,
      I am glad you found my site! Your symptoms sound awful! I don’t know if a gastrointestinal specialist could help you with your digestive issues. I’ve also read the Elimination Diet Workbook and it’s helpful in trying to target exactly which foods are making you sick.
      Not everyone with a severe nickel allergy experiences reactions when they eat foods higher in nickel. Blisters and rashes could be cause more by a contact nickel allergy…but you’d know your body best.
      Stay in touch,

      1. Hi, I also have gastrointestinal upsets with my nickel allergy”. I do not get rashes except inside my nose and it is sometimes hard to swallow if I eat the wrong thing. Usually just too much of it. I do such on a vit. c tab when this happens and it works pretty well. I was diagnosed by my dermatologist. Most have no idea.
        Thanks for the blog.

        1. ME TOO! After a battery of blood tests & skin prick tests by my allergist, it was the dermatologist who discovered my allergy 6 months ago! Changed my life!

  8. Dear Christy,
    Thank you for this really helpful site. It is great to learn from others who are learning how to best manage a severe nickel food allergy. I have been on a low-nickel diet for about a year and a half, and have found some good progress, especially at first. However, the reactions on my face (near ears and lips, sometimes around eyes, often under my jaw) have not gone away. I’m looking into other ways to reduce nickel-exposure, thinking that maybe things like my razor blade or nickel on my hands from utensils might be causing some of the trouble. Have you found any help with that kind of nickel exposure reduction?
    Also, although I concur with almost all of your food categorizations, I found a couple of your food suggestions interesting. Because it is tough to find the best lists, I tend to use the FDA list from 24 different testings over 5 years. I don’t think it’s perfect, but at least is provides some clear data. On that list, cabbage is one of the very best vegetables (along with celery and cucumbers). Avocado is on average one of the worst fruits/vegetables (although it can be lower at times according to the table). Iceberg lettuce is bad, but spinach and collards are on the pretty good side (as long as you don’t eat too much).
    The site is a bit hard to manage, but taking a highlighter to the list and highlighting all of the really low nickel foods has been helpful for me –
    (If you have access through a local library, this article takes the FDA data and factors in serving sizes to develop a simple point system for common foods – )
    Thanks again!

    1. Hi Forrest,
      Thanks for your comments. I am glad you have found my site useful! I apologize for the delayed follow-up!
      It’s great to hear the low-nickel diet has been pretty successful as a way to manage your eczema. Yes, I switched to using a titanium razor blade and 18/0 stainless steel silverware. From time to time I also still have a little eczema, even when on the low nickel diet. For me, it’s usually related to stress and I do use the prescribed cream desonide.
      I also keep meaning to update my resources page with those FDA links and others you included in your comments. Thanks for the reminder!
      I’d enjoy hearing about how other things you do to manage your nickel food allergy work well for you.

  9. I cannot go near any matcha. Most likely much more processed than green tea leaves.
    Anastasia. I cannot eat any sweet potatoes at all. Do you know anyone else that can’t. Also. What cookware did you buy? That’s my next frontier.
    Thanks Lindy
    FYI I can eat fermented cabbage organic
    One more thing. I am down to white rice. You seem to be able to eat pure rye grains and barley. But not rye bread? Thanks

    1. Hi Lindy,
      I don’t know what is matcha or haven’t tried it.
      I switched my stainless steel pans to ceramic coated aluminum pans and use glass in the oven. Occasionally I still have stainless steel bread pans and cake pans I use when I bake. I suggest upgrading your cookware slowly, as it can get expensive and prioritizing changing cookware that heats up your food first.
      I personally stick to white breads and white rice, not eating many rye or barley grains. It’s interesting how some of us react so differently to some foods. It’s great to know what you can or cannot tolerate!
      Stay in touch,

  10. Hi Christy,
    I’m really happy to have found your blog, I see that you mention changing your cookware. I’m looking into doing the same thing, but I’m not sure how to switch. What did you switch your pots and pans to? Is there such thing as a ceramic pot?
    Also I’ve been eating tons of Avocados for good fats, now I wonder if I shouldn’t be.. I have severe dermatitis on my lips and some on my hands. I’ve only been trying this diet for a couple weeks and I’m constantly making errors as to what I can and can’t eat.

    1. Hi Mary,
      Thanks for reaching out. Yes, I switched my stainless steel pans to ceramic coated aluminum pans and use glass in the oven. Occasionally I still have stainless steel bread pans and cake pans I use when I bake. I suggest upgrading your cookware slowly, as it can get expensive and prioritizing changing cookware that heats up your food first.
      I also love to eat avocados, especially guacamole! I don’t know if that’s giving you a difficult time or perhaps something else you’re eating/using. I used a food journal for awhile and it really helped me pinpoint which foods caused me a worse reaction than others.
      Stay in touch and best of luck,

  11. Hi,
    I have a nickel, cobalt, and palladium allergy, diagnosed 20 years ago…. I don’t really get eczema, however I do get headaches/migraines for the past 10 years, and have gotten worse as time goes on. I am trying to find the cause, as I’ve had them up to 6 days a week. I’m already 90% dairy free as I am lactose intolerant also. Just trying out ideas, have you heard of anyone getting headaches instead of or along with eczema? Thanks!

    1. Hi Kayleigh,
      Thanks for reaching out. Headaches and migraines are terrible! I’m not aware of others experiencing headaches. There’s a great nickel allergy Facebook group you could join and pose the question.
      I recently finished reading Dr. Scott Sicherer’s book Food Allergies: A Complete Guide For Eating When Your Life Depends on It and he writes that “Chemicals in some food, such as fermented foods and hard cheeses, may trigger migraines in some people” (p. 9-10). Do you think that could be related to your headaches? Later he also wrote MSG has caused some people headaches. I hope tat helps. I’ll be writing a blog post soon about the book because it’s amazing!
      Stay in touch,

      1. Hi Christine,
        Ahh ringing in your ears, I get that too and headaches often. I thought I was going crazy as my Dr. was really unhelpful. I have been nickel, wheat, milk and egg free since June last year.
        My symptoms are gastric and my mouth and tongue swell when I eat foods I shouldn’t or try to introduce new foods, even with a low content of nickel.

  12. Nickel is the commonest cause of metal allergy among the people. Once sensitized, the sensitization tends to persist life-long. Studies have confirmed the benefit of low nickel diet in the management of nickel eczema. Careful selection of food with relatively low nickel concentration can help to control nickel dermatitis.

  13. Hi does anyone suffer with a metal taste in there mouth. Also my tongue gets a white coating and my tongue feels like its swollen. Do any of you use anti histermine

    1. Hi Tina,
      I haven’t heard from anyone who has experienced a metal taste in their mouth. I personally do take an anti histamine – Claritin with Loratadine as the active ingredient. If your tongue continues to swell, you might consider seeing a medical provider about it.

      1. Yes; I suffer from a metal taste in the mouth at times and swelling of the tongue. I was diagnosed with an autistic spectrum disorder 5 yrs ago and with a systemic nickle allergy in 2016. I have trouble detoxing heavy metals due to asd and believe the build up causes this taste in my mouth on occassion. Smokers can experience it as well.

        1. Hi Moo,
          Thanks for your comment. I haven’t personally experienced a metal taste in my mouth. I know cigarette smoke is high in nickel, so it doesn’t surprise me they might experience a metal taste in their mouth. Experiencing tongue swelling sounds scary!
          My spouse from time to time has told me I “smelled like metal!” Typically when that occurred, I had eaten something high in nickel and working out.
          Warm regards,

      2. I also had metal taste in mouth. Stopped using stainless utinsils. Metal taste gone. Use bamboo Utinsils. Also read that nickel allergy can be inherited… jane

        1. Hi Jane,
          Thanks for your comment. I haven’t read that nickel allergies can be inherited genetically. Atopic dermatitis, eczema and hay-fever which tend to be corresponding symptoms are often hereditary. Whereas nickel allergies are usually developed from over exposure environmentally or systemically through ingesting lots of foods or toxins higher in nickel over time.
          Warm regards,

    2. Hi Tina
      I do, well actually not at the moment but for 6 months my symptoms were the metal taste,a swollen tongue and swollen inside of my mouth. Since June I have been on a nickel free diet and since October my mouth has been ok. If I eat something i am not supposed to or not used to my mouth swells and I get a blister like rash and stomach problems. I do take an anti-histamine but not in tablet form, I have drops. Drops do not have maize in so work well for me…

      1. Hi Karen,
        Thanks for your recent comments on my website. Your symptoms sound terrible, but I am glad you’ve found a way to be nickel, wheat, dairy, and egg free!
        From some of your other comments it sounds like you live in Rome. Have you researched or participated in some of Italy’s nickel sensitization studies?

    3. Hi Tina
      I take FORMISTIN. It is an anti histamine in liquid form. I had the same symptoms as you for about 7 months, my visits to the hospital were often, but after 4 months of being nickel free my symptoms calmed down. I carry this with me all the time .I live in Rome though so not sure if it is available anywhere else it is a cetirizina dicloridrato based anti-histamine and as soon as I feel
      My mouth buzzing I take it ..
      Hope this helps.

  14. Christy,
    Thanks for all your info and the website. I too have a nickle allergy diagnosed about 20 years ago. Lately I have had some major breakouts with severe hives. I have had hives in the past, but can usually control them…not recently however. I stayed away from my “major triggers” but seems that even slight triggers are occurring. I found recently after eating teriyaki chicken wings, I had a major breakout. I researched and discovered soy (which did not seem to be a trigger before) could be the latest culprit. So… I have decided to follow the low nickle diet after reading numerous articles, etc.
    I grocery shopped today and it took twice as long to get done because of diligently reading ingredient labels. So…thanks for creating this website to assist me further.

    1. Mary,
      I’m glad you’ve found my website useful! Soy is one of my worst allergy offenders! I’ve only had hives once, and it was miserable. I’m sorry to hear you’re breaking out with hives regularly. I hope trying the low nickel diet helps. If you don’t experience relief after 4-6 weeks on the diet, you might consider another solution. Eating foods higher in nickel could be the culprit.
      Keep in touch.

  15. After 7 months of life wrecking rashes, sores, and blisters I have finally been given a diagnosis of Systemic Nickel Allergy Syndrome. Your site is extremely helpful. My questing is regarding cookware and silverware. All of my pots and pans passed the chemical nickel test, as well as my silver ware- but it that good enough? Or is there still a possibility that when heated it is releasing nickel? Ultimately should I switch to glass anyway? My symptoms have been extremely severe so I’m wanting to be careful but I also dont want to spend hundreds on unnecessary dollars either.

    1. Layne,
      I experienced terrible eczema symptoms for nearly 9 months before I was diagnosed. Glad to hear you finally got a diagnosis and are finding my website helpful!
      I would recommend going on the low nickel diet first for at least 4-6 weeks before changing out all of your cookware. It can be very expensive.
      My systemic reactions occur more from ingesting foods higher in nickel than with cookware. However, when I cook regularly using stainless steel pans I definitely pay for it. If you already have glass Pyrex dishes, why not use them? I primarily use one or two skillet pans that are ceramic coated aluminum when I cook on the stove.
      I’m hoping to test all of my cookware soon and write about it. If what you’re using now works, then I’d keep using it. If at any point you can pinpoint that it’s no longer working, I’d gradually change your cookware.
      I’d love to hear how things go over time and if your symptoms improve with the diet or if you do choose to change your cookware.

  16. I was surprised to see tomatoes on your list of low nickel foods. Tomatoes and ketchup are high in nickel. I was diagnosed back 34 years ago to have a nickel allergy. I also hope you make people aware that there is nickel is in onions, the color red and in silver fillings for your teeth. My teeth in time reject the silver fillings. Sadly this has not helped my dental situation. Mayo clinic was consulted many, many years ago in regards to my allergy. Also be aware of the pans you cook in, some leach nickel into the food you are cooking. People getting joint replacements need to make sure they tell their surgeon to have a nickel free replacement. Nickel causes so many problems in so many different ways for each individual. Each person needs to be very aware of what they are eating and doing to keep themself healthy. Glad to see your doing your best to get the word out.

  17. So glad to have found you!
    My nickel allergy went systemic about 10 years ago and was diagnosed and have been on a low nickel diet for about 6 years now.
    I just began taking a multi-vitamin to see if my feeling very fatigued and achey for a few months was due to either vit c or low iron due to the diet. I’m feeling tons better in just a couple days, so it was probaby low on vit c.
    I’ve been avoiding taking supplements, especially water soluble vitamins, because most of the time people get enough from food if eating well. Suppliments are often just a waste of $. But it’s obvious it might now be time for me to start.
    Have you been able to find and/or suggest any suppliments that are shellfish and soy free? Have you ever had a doc run a test to check for nutritional deficiencies, specific pannels?
    So glad to find someone that knows the struggle is real. 🙂

    1. Sarah,
      Thanks for reaching out. I totally relate and have mixed feelings towards supplements. I don’t take them regularly, but have taken a super vitamin B complex when I get a weird cut like thing on the side of my lip. Taking one of the supplements resolves it. I also take vitamin C from time to time, but have personally found eating foods like oranges more beneficial than the supplement.
      In addition, my hesitancy to rely on supplements is based in the fact that in the U.S. where I live supplements aren’t regulated like pharmaceuticals. Many of the ingredients in supplements include terrible fillers and can actually make things worse by including things high in nickel.
      Some of the brands I’ve used include NatureMade (super vitamin b complex and vitamin c) and Kirkland brand (vitamin e, which I’ve only taken a couple times).
      I like staying in touch and would love to hear more about brands you’ve used with success.

    2. I get my supplements at Life Extension. They are available to you for information on nickel contemt as well as all ingredients in their products.
      Please go to their website and give the, a try. I have a bad nickel allergy and they are very helpful.
      Good luck. lynn

  18. So happy to find this site! Finding alot of conflicting information on the internet, so think I need to ease up on the searching. My allergy was discovered a week ago after bouts of contact dermatitis on my face. The symptoms have lessened and this new “adventure” seems to have quite the learning curve!

    1. Celeste,
      Thanks for commenting on my website and I too am glad you found it! Prior to my diagnosis, I experienced terribly painful and embarrassing eczema around my eyes. I am glad to hear your contact dermatitis is improving.
      I enjoy staying in touch and would love to hear how things go as you begin this “adventure” of a nickel food allergy!
      Warm regards,

  19. Are there high amounts of nickel in psyllium fiber?
    I take Konsyl every day and am wondering if that might be a problem.

    1. Hi Marsha,
      I’ve never heard of Konsyl or psyllium. As a teen and in my early twenties (prior to my nickel allergy) I did take Metamucil. I googled psyllium husk to find out what it is. This article seemed to be a reliable source, noting it’s an herbal seed. Seeds tend to be higher in nickel, but I personally am find eating many herbs.
      If it were me, I’d try to stick to the low nickel diet for awhile and then introduce the Konsyl or psyllium in your diet to see if it causes a reaction. You could also reach out to your physician to find out more information about it’s relationship to allergies (which is what WebMD suggested).
      If you continue to try it, I’d love to hear how it goes.

  20. Thank-you so much for this website it has been such a big help. I have always have a skin allergy to nickel but didn’t realize that I could be allergic to what I was eating. I am almost 29 years old and I have started cutting things out of my diet and I feel so much better. We were never introduced to the idea that that was even a possibility. I told my mom about it and she didn’t even realize nickel is in food. I am currently undergoing through allergy testing and am interested to see what the results are plus my allergy has gotten worse as I have gotten older. I wish you all the best of luck in your journey and I am thankful for this site : )

  21. Hi Brittany,
    Thanks for your gratitude for my website! I am glad it’s been so helpful! I never knew prior that nickel is found in food and when I talk to people about it they’re usually surprised.
    I too wish you the best in your journey living with this unique allergy. I enjoy staying in touch.
    Warm regards,

  22. How does tomatoe sauce rank as far as nickel content? My doc says it’s very high but not on many lists.

    1. Is the sauce canned? I’ve consistently read that processed foods should be eliminated as much as humanly possible. And you’ll want to avoid any canned foods, cans contain nickel and leach into the food. If you are making homemade tomato sauce look for either whole tomatoes in glass jars or fresh tomatoes. Because tomatoes are highly acidic you’ll want to cook the sauce in a non reactive pot. Consider enameled cast iron. Cooking in stainless leaches nickel into your food particularly when you cook high acid foods. Tomatoes on their own are not high in nickel but you may want to eliminate them for 30days and reintroduce them slowly to see if you get any reaction.

  23. Hi Wendy,
    I haven’t had issues eating tomatoes and wasn’t told to avoid them. I don’t know the exact nickel content in tomatoes. I know tomatoes are high in histamines and when our bodies release more histamines the symptoms can mimic eczema symptoms.
    Warm regards,

  24. Hi Christy,
    Thanks for sharing your experiences & tips. I was recently diagnosed with a nickel allergy and like so many others I’m having a hard time getting my head around what I can eat. Prior to my diagnosis my diet was high in legumes, beans, dark greens, all vegetables and multi grains. I’d say I had an extraordinarily healthy diet. It’s been heartbreaking to learn most of these foods are high in nickel. It’s also been very challenging to navigate the information regarding which foods are high in nickel. There is a tremendous amount of conflicting information out there. Some reports suggest limiting your daily intake of nickel to 500micrograms while others have laundry lists of foods never to eat. What source(s) did you find most accurate? I’ve spent the last 5 weeks significantly reducing my nickel intake but find healthy options so horribly limiting. My reaction to nickel wasn’t as severe as yours (itchy legs and occasional small rash on my arm) but I thought the internal GI inflammation associated with any food allergy or sensitivity motivating enough to attempt a low nickel diet. How have you dealt with the lack of super foods in your diet? Have you found any replacements? Now that you’ve been dealing with this for so long I wonder have you tried any form of chelation? I’m considering a metal detox with the help of chlorella. If you’ve tried any detox I’d love to hear about your experience. Thanks so much!

    1. Christy,
      Thank you so much for your reply. I’m grateful for your engagement and know we can all benefit from hearing about each others experiences.
      Since my first comment about metal detox I done some more research and thought I’d share for anyone wanting to explore it further. If/when I decide to try it I’ll surely share my thoughts. Have a look at this site for nutritional supplements to aid in nickel liver detox.
      I read here that you didn’t have much success with vitamin C as a nickel “blocker”. I recommend taking a lypo-spheric vitamin C. Traditional forms of vitamin C are lost in the gut. Our bodies can only process small amounts of C at a time and in fact the more C you take the less your body absorbs. However, if you take C in the proper form your body is able to absorb most of it. You might consider giving it a try.
      I was also advised that most people, particularly women, who have nickel allergies are also low in iron. You can have a simple blood test to check your iron levels. Iron like vitamin C is a nickel blocker. Iron can be hard on the tummy. I’ve had great success with both FLORADIX (liquid or tablet) and RAINBOWLITE plant source iron. It’s vegetarian, made from curry leaves.
      Hope this is of help.

    2. Hi Christine,
      Thanks for your comments. I totally understand how frustrating and overwhelming adjusting to the low nickel diet can be. I also ate very healthy prior to finding out the cause of my eczema. The list on this page was the one given by my doctor. I strictly avoided eating these foods for 6 months. I still found super foods to eat and write here’s a list of them
      I only detoxed by strictly avoiding foods higher in nickel for an extension time. I’ve never used chelation. Now I am ok eating a mixed green salad once or twice a month. I still experience eczema after eating it, but it’s not as bad as it previously was.
      I enjoy staying in touch. If you find chelation works for you, I’d love to hear how it goes.
      Warm regards,

  25. I am glad I found your blog Christy!
    Recently figured out after battling for years with eczema.
    Do you use a stainless steel kettle or stainless steel cutlery?
    Do any herbs and spices trigger your eczema?

    1. Hi Renate,
      Thanks for your comment! I’m glad you found my blog too and that it’s help you. I try to limit my exposure to nickel, yet do use stainless steel knives. However my silverware is stainless steel 18/0, which means 18% chromium, 0% nickel. The most common stainless steel silverware is 18/10 and the 10 is 10% nickel. Personally I eat spices everyday without issues.
      Warm regards,

  26. Hello, I just came across your blog- it’s such a relief to see many other people finding inventive ways of living with allergies! I have very severe chronic atopic eczema, and was diagnosed with oral allergy syndrome to Birch a few years ago, plus a few other things. When I had a substance allergy patch test I was admitted to hospital as the Nickel made all the others join up into one big hive… I’ve since avoided Nickel but only now considering if it’s part of my diet needs. For example, I can’t eat any raw fruits or vegetables, but I can eat most cooked veg.., except leafy greens, tomatoes and soya as it flares my skin. I can’t eat Chocolate as it blisters my mouth. I’m under dermatologist and also allergy specialist and I’ll ask next time I see them, but for now I’m going to try being Nickel free for a few weeks and see how it goes. I do have many allergies to many things, but maybe this is the one which has been tripping me up! Thanks for the inspiration!!!

    1. Hi Becca,
      I’m so glad you found my blog and I appreciate your positive feedback. All of those allergies would make eating very challenging, but your attitude is refreshing! You might be on to it and perhaps nickel is one of the culprits. I hope your dermatologist and allergy specialist know about systemic nickel allergy syndrome, i.e. nickel food allergies to help determine if it is one of the causes.
      Warm regards,

  27. Hi Christy
    FYI some people have written about metallic taste in the mouth.. it comes from an inbalabce from either the kidney or liver. I get it when I don’t eat well for my body.
    Matcha tea is ground green tea which is impossible for me. You seem to be able to eat a wider spectrum of foods than most but as you say we are all different.
    I am cooking in all glass on the stove and bought a few glass pots on EBay for a few dollars. They also have skillets. Easy to take care of and no nickel worries.
    For anybody reading I do well with organic baby bok choy but can’t eat sweet potatoes .. Thanks

    1. Hi Lindy,
      Thanks for your comment. I didn’t know that a metallic taste in your mouth could be as a result of kidney or liver imbalances. When I’ve eated foods high in nickel, namely chocolate or nuts, where I react on my neck, I’ve been told it has a strong metallic smell. I’ve never tried matcha tea, but believe it could cause issues for most of us with systemic nickel allergy.
      Warm regards,

    1. Hi Daniela,
      Thanks for your comment. Unfortunately I don’t know if oolong tea is has nickel. I haven’t seen it on lists of foods being higher in nickel. Most teas are considered higher in nickel if they are infused with a stainless steel filter basket or strainer, not the tea itself. I’ve only had bad experiences with teas if they include soy as an ingredient. I don’t know if you saw my post about the Question of Tea.
      Warm regards,

  28. What tests do you take to determine a nickel allergy? I have chronic hives and eczema and have yet to determine a cause. I only eat meat, vegetables and a few fruits. No gluten or dairy. Allergic to eggs, rice, pork, and beets.

    1. Hi Diane,
      Thanks for your comment and I’m glad you found my website. I underwent a skin patch test to determine my nickel allergy and then tried the low nickel diet. Check out my story with various helpful links, including Where it All Began. Dealing with this allergy can be very overwhelming at first, especially when you’re still trying to figure out which foods cause your body to react.
      Warm regards,

  29. Thank you so much for your blog! I think I may have found that nickel is the cause of my eczema.
    Have you found beer or alchol to have nickel?

    1. Hi Tim,
      Thanks for your comment and appreciation for my website! Yes, alcohol can contain ingredients that are higher in nickel, like nuts, seeds and soy. Here are two articles about the specifics from my resources page: Alcoholic Beverages that Contain Top Allergens & Your Guide to Alcohol Allergies and Intolerances.
      I don’t drink alcohol very often, a couple times a month. Personally I preferred hefeweizen beer, but believe that it sometimes causes my skin to react, as whole wheat might be used and lately I feel terribly bloated when I drink it. Instead I prefer vodka, triple sec and/or tequila and enjoy lemon drop martinis or margaritas.
      Warm regards,

  30. I suffer from apthous ulcers. Basically canker sores in my mouth. It is horrible and painful and I get a lot of them. I’ve been to many doctors and most recently I’ve been placed on a low Nickel diet. I am waiting for patch testing but I’m doing this in the meantime. Do any of you suffer from mouth sores?

    1. Hi Laura,
      Thanks for your comment. I’m not a physician. Has anyone suggested you might be deficient in Vitamin B? I usually get mouth sores when I am deficient in Vitamin B and they usually resolve after I take a supplement or eat foods higher in vitamin B. It’s tricky, as supplements can contain nickel or undisclosed ingredients and many foods high in Vitamin B are also high in nickel. I hope that helps.
      Warm regards,

    2. I also had mouth sores, I think mostly from the mint in my toothpaste and mouthwash. But there are also chemicals in in them that I’m allergic to. I now don’t use anything to brush with regularly, but once a week I’ll use sensodyne, and at the other end of the week, baking soda.

  31. Hello Christy,
    your site is very valuable. I have found huge amount of information that I needed. Thank you very much for that.
    Please tell me is it safe to eat parsley leaves and celery leaves in a form of juice. I was thinking to make juices from apple, carrot and celery or parsley leaves, to help with detox. What do you think about that? Are there any other leaves that you are eating without consequences?

    1. Hi Mary,
      Thanks for your comment and appreciation for my website! Both cilantro and parsley are considered low nickel. Cilantro is also known for it’s ability to chelate heavy metals..I think you’d need to eat a lot of it, but you can find more info about the correlation online. I am able to eat other fresh herbs without much consequence. Some of us can eat iceberg lettuce, but I don’t. I bet your smoothie/juice will taste delicious!
      Warm regards,

  32. I found out that I have a severe nickel allergy last year and after doing some digging, and talking to my mom who is a Dietitian, she told me that Vitamin C is an antagonist to Nickel. This essentially means that they both compete for absorption in the body so Vitamin C has the ability to take away a lot of side effects from the Nickel. There is more research coming out about this that you can google yourself, but I just thought I would put that out there. I am switching my razor blade to titanium but have found better results with the Vitamin C, particularly when I know I’m going to eat something with Higher concentrations of Nickel in it.

    1. Hi Alexa,
      Thanks for your comment. Yes, it’s correct both vitamin C and iron reduce your body’s absorption to nickel. I have noted that awesome fact throughout various blog posts and one of my original blog posts was about this. I prefer to eat foods higher in vitamin C and/or iron when I eat something higher in nickel, than supplements.
      Warm regards,

  33. Hi,
    I have been dealing with high nickel food allergy since 2013 (Nickel jewelry allergy since childhood) I hadn’t had the typical breakout of eczema on my eyelids since then until last year where it last 6 months after having had one cliff bar (forgot to check for soy). Now I had a pack of those ritz cheese crackers on a flight and can’t seem to get the eczema to go away. Graduation is coming up and I definitely don’t want puffy, wrinkly, eczema patch eyelids. Has anyone found a treatment? I use a combo of Benadryl pills and H2 blocker for antacid have typically worked with some time. I’ve also added eucerin lotion and cetaphil soap but I’m struggling to get rid of the reaction.
    Any suggestions are appreciated.

    1. Hi Jill,
      Congrats on your upcoming graduation. I use the prescription desonide when my eczema gets really bad, especially if I eat something higher in nickel that resulted in the reaction.
      Warm regards,

    2. Hi I’ve also had a patch test when i started getting chronic hand eczema, which came back positive for nickel. Dermatologist said not hold coins or keys in my hands but never referred to any possible dietary changes. I have been controlling the symptoms with weekly cortisone cream application. I also get occasional lower lip, eyelid and arm and legs folds eczema. After 5 years I have come to realise that before the onset of hand eczema, I had moved from my home country and changed quite a bit of my eating habits. I introduced oat, nuts, soya and legumes to my diet, pretty much on an everyday basis, which just so happen to be high nickel foods. I also get a lot of mouth ulcers, headaches, fatigue and brain fog. I also found out I am deficient for Vit D and ferritin even though I’m taking supplements. Since Nickel can compete for iron absorption, i’m there might be a possible reason. It’s taking too long to make the Iink but hope i can finally move forward and reverse the symptoms. Just wanted to add on my face I only use protopic to relieves eczema symptoms. It looked scary to change so much at once, so thank you for the resource.

      1. Hi Rachel,
        Thanks for your comment and appreciation for my website. Not everyone with nickel allergies have to change their diet. You may be onto something with what your eating and the worsening of your eczema symptoms. Perhaps trying the low nickel diet will reserve your symptoms. It can be quite the adjustment, but it got easier for me over time.
        Warm regards,

  34. I’ve had a nickel allergy for almost 2 years and I have followed a nickel diet for a while now. Do u think it is safe to start adding in new foods like broccoli, strawberries, lettuce, avocado, shrimp,carrots, mango, onion or mushrooms?

    1. Hi Sabrina,
      Thanks for your comment. I can’t speak to what’s best for you. When I eat foods higher in nicke, I try to only eat 1-2 foods at a time or for a month. For instance, I love to have an arugula salad a couple times a month. It always causes me to react, but my reaction isn’t as bad as it was when everything in my diet was higher in nickel. I don’t eat chocolate, nuts, seeds or soy – unless it was an accident and I wasn’t as diligent in asking questions when eating out. Chocolate, nuts, seeds and soy cause me a worse eczema reaction than an arugula salad. I haven’t been able to reintroduce foods higher in nickel permanently in my diet. Everyone is different.
      Warm regards,

  35. I was diagnosed with a nickel allergy two years ago but when I asked me doctor if I should eliminate high nickel foods she told me no. She said that all food contained nickel and it was unlikely it was causing my (later in life) ezcema. I feel totally defeated though because the creams and ointments don’t seem to be making it any better, so maybe I should give it a try? My only big concern is, like others, I also follow a vegan diet plus I’m allergic to limonene (all citrus), so I worry that I’m have a hard time getting healthy fats and protein into my diet. Do you think I should just do it anyway and see what happens? If I do want to do a restricted nickel diet to see if it makes a difference, how long should i expect to commit before knowing if it’s working? I know everyone is different, but is there a general time line after which symptoms seem to begin to let up (4 weeks, 6 weeks)? Thank you for all of your hard work and for giving those of us who feel like we’re alone a place to come for guidance and support!

    1. Hi Rosee,
      Thanks for your comment and appreciation for my website. Not everyone with nickel allergies develop systemic nickel allergies where the best treatment is a low nickel diet. Also many physicians don’t know about systemic nickel allergies or the low nickel diet. It’s up to you to determine whether or not to try it. It takes many 4-6 weeks to see results, but some experience it sooner. It would be very hard to eat low nickel and eat vegan, plus citrus. Maybe the best place to start is changing out your cookware as nickel leaches in from stainless steel cookware and using glass, cast iron or ceramic cookware instead.
      Warm regards,

  36. I had a hair analysis lab test and found I was extremely high in nickel. This surprised me since I am highly allergic to jewelry or clothing metal or dyes that contain nickel so I thought there would be no nickel in my body. Coconut oil makes my hair fall out by the handful immediately during use. I see coconuts on the nickel list. I checked the ingredients in my shampoo. Thank you for making me realize I have to find a coconut-free shampoo and conditioner. Can you recommend a shampoo without nickel or hormone disruptors preferably in a glass container?

  37. Hi!
    I’m so glad to have come across your blog and to find some useful information on low nickel foods/diet/and living. I’ve been diagnosed with high severity of nickel (both immune system and dermatitis). My allergies make it so hard to consume more than 7-10 point value of nickel per day typically depending on how my symptomatic reaction – my tongue inflames, burns, and painful blisters eventually causing the inside lining of my lip, gums, and hives around my lower back and as well as bottom. It’s become a challenge to eat healthy and workout and lose weight! I didn’t know what protein helps you throughout the day on this diet? I’m a vegetarian so it’s hard to find the protein supplement without telling myself “oh what the hell, I’ll just suffer one meal and not eat for the entire day”. I’d love to know the some details! There are so many limited resources out there and each food list contradicts itself at time (corn okay, corn not ok, potatoes, etc). With my severity, it’s hard to understand “how much” I can intake with causing flare up. I can have one food one day, but next day it will cause a big painful flare up on my tongue that it gets hard to talk to ppl/work/ or be social.
    I’ve seen many specialists and am on immune suppressant antibiotics, prednisone mouth wash, Benadryl mouth Wash with lidocaine, doxepin hydrochloride oral solution and many other more to decrease fungal infection orally from all the washes that help decrease pain.
    Thanks for your help and sharing your experience !

    1. Hi Vandana,
      Thanks for your comment and appreciation for my website. It is very challenging to be a vegetarian on the low nickel diet as the majority of low nickel protein sources are meat, eggs and dairy.  I’ve heard from many vegans and vegetarians who felt they had to reintroduce meat in their diet, even if sparingly. I used to be a vegetarian, but I haven’t been since I was a teenager, which was about 8 years before my systemic nickel allergy diagnosis. Some vegetarians with systemic nickel allergies rely heavily on quinoa, which I’d recommend rinsing. A point based system, as mentioned in Joanne’s website, could be beneficial for you.
      Warm regards,

  38. Hi,
    I am newly diagnosed with severe systemic nickel allergy and am having such a hard time wading through all of the contradictory information on what’s o.k. to eat. I am wondering how long it typically takes for someone to start seeing a benefit to the low nickel diet? I am sure there is a lot of variation, but what was your experience?
    Thanks so much for your website and all the information.

  39. Hi Lisa,
    Thanks for your comment and appreciation for my website. There is a lot of variation and the tricky thing about this allergy is that it can be very individual, meaning some react more than others to different foods/beverages. That’s where using a food journal can be very beneficial. Typically folks see improvement within 4-6 weeks and even more improvement the longer they eat a low nickel diet.
    Warm regards,

  40. Bonjour Christy
    encore une fois merci d avoir l idée de faire ce site ; ) , que pensez vous du teflon en bon état biensur ?? je suis tombé sur ce site en cherchant des casseroles et couverts sans Nickel
    Passez de bonnes fétes Ghislaine

    1. Bonjour Ghislaine,
      Merci pour votre commentaire et appréciation pour mon site Web. Je ne suis pas sûr du Téflon, car il existe tellement de variétés. S’il est en bon état et qu’il fonctionne pour vous, c’est parfait. Je préfère utiliser des ustensiles de cuisine en céramique ou en fonte. Je contacterais le fabricant pour en savoir plus sur ce qu’il utilise.
      Meilleurs voeux,

      Bonjour Ghislaine,
      Thanks for your comment and appreciation for my website. I’m not sure about Teflon, as there are so many varieties. If it’s in good condition and it works for you, that’s great. I prefer to use ceramic lined cookware or cast iron cookware. I’d contact the manufacturer to learn more about what they use.
      Warm regards,

    1. Hi Matt,
      I am able to tolerate corn, but not everyone that eats low nickel can. If you haven’t already, using a food journal can be a great tool to identify what works for each individual.
      Warm regards,

  41. Hi Christy,
    Thank you for providing this venue. I’ve isolated the foods I react to by process of elimination over about 20 years. I thought Phosphorus was the problem. There are a lot of similarities between high phosphorus and high nickel foods. A dietitian told me nickel and/or cobalt is the problem. I got a negative skin test for nickel and cobalt from a skin patch test done by a dermatologist. But research provided by the dietitian says about 25% of people with a negative skin test can test positive for nickel, cobalt or chromium with an oral ingestion of metal salts. (The research is about 40 years old now, so maybe not so reliable) So I’m still wondering if Nickel is the problem. One odd reaction I had that I’d like to ask about is a reaction to dark colas (Coca Cola and Pepsi) but not clear colas (7Up and Sprite) The difference is the Phosphoric acid in the dark colas, this is why I thought my problem is phosphorus, Have you ever heard of Nickel in dark colas but not clear colas? Thanks!

    1. Hi Bill,
      Thanks for your comment. It’s made me curious about the possible connection between high phosphorus and high nickel foods. That’s interesting you had a negative nickel and cobalt test. Was your patch test recent? I’ve not heard of anyone having a negative test and having a dietary nickel allergy. Have you tried the low nickel diet with success? 
      I don’t know about dark colas, except that they are not recommended for individuals with chronic kidney disease. Many people with nickel allergies avoid sodas available in cans, but drink them in plastic bottles. I rarely drink soda, but it’s only a personal preference. If I do drink soda, it’s sprite. I am glad you find my website helpful. Good luck identifying what works best for you.
      Warm regards,

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